Financial Notes
IN spite of the wintry elements out of doors, there has bee a touch of Spring in the air on the Stock Exchange, and uncle the influence of a slightly more hopeful feeling, prices hay experienced a fairly general recovery. So far as Hom stocks are concerned, the reported arrangement of the Fiv Power Naval Treaty has been a helpful influence, while a one time the more speculative markets were stimulated by th greater activity in Wall Street. It is true that during the few days there has been a renewal of realizations in the Ameri- can market, but in a sense that, too, has been regarded 89 good factor because, having regard to the extent' of the sitions which it is believed have still to be liquidated, anyth like a' big advance in the American market would have regarded as dangerous and possibly suggestive of d money rates on the other side of the Atlantic. British Fun and kindred stocks have hardened and even, India notwithstanding the unsatisfactory character of the Budge hive been fairly steady. The low level to which Austral. stocks had fallen attracted a good deal of buying, and th has been a substantial rally in most Australian stocks, the it is doubtful if the movement can go much farther until the have been clearer indications of the financial policy to adopted by the Australian Government. In the pure] speculative markets movements during the week have bee of an irregular character, and while in the Mining Market shares have rallied on the more definite statements with reg,a to the new Restriction Scheme, Oil shares have been we on the cut in petrol.
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