"THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 104 [A prize of a Book
Token for one guinea will be gtven to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked with the words "Crossword Puzzle" and the NUMBER of the PUZZLE, and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday week. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner and the solution will be published in the follow- mg issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a 2}cf. stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.1
mmumm m mom.
Immo mum maw. um. ummomms m swum mummull im mum II _II • • lig im ammo mom=
1. When one might expect to see a kingfisher (2 words) (7, 4). 9. This fellow is a good Ameri-
can (7).
to. Such remedies as vegetarians prefer (7).
t. The return of a storehouse with wine to me (to).
12. Hindu scriptures (4).
14. Hush! What Hamlet located (5).
15. Despite his stable situation he was regularly driven to work (8).
17. Digging platter (8).
19. He undertook to restore amends (5).
22. Money to chew (4)- 23. Applicable to Meredith's "Tragic Comedians" (to).
26. The catkin gets the last word first (7).
27. People do this with a chair (7).
28. No doubt it throws some light on the game (2 words) (7. 4).
i. Her ma has become more numerous (5).
2. Like l3arlcis, he's willing (7).
3. Back presented by a retreat- ing Chinaman (to).
4. "Each in his - cell for ever laid" (Gray) (6).
5. Gin canal surprisingly coo. veiled (8). 6. Flavour of Indian politics (4). 7. Ena in confusion nada Scots cab (9).
8. Stimulate affection (6). 13. Stage folk (to).
14. Does it keep the draughts. man honest? (9). 16. No good asking him not to tell (8).
18. Unknown number of islands -full of strangers? (6).
20. No bib, Mac-he's concealed it (7).
21. An engaging depression (61 24. A hundred thin but washni (5).