Lease-and-lend Delays
It is impossible not to deplore the obstructions to the passage of the Lease-and-Lend Bill through the American Senate. At a moment when every day's delay is of vital con-......
News Of The Week I N Protesting Against Bulgaria's Action In
permitting the entry of German troops it cannot be said that the Soviet Government is expressing its opinion without any previous indication of its attitude. On January rzth the......
The Thailand Settlement
Normal political phraseology has no validity on the lips of totalitarians. A New Order means domination A demand for " sincerity " is a demand for subservience. And mediation is......
Administration In Conquered Country
For a civilised State the conquest of enemy territory carries with it certain human responsibilities which it cannot shirk even if they are burdensome. We can guess what Germany......
Mr. Menzies And Japan
In previous speeches Mr. R. G. Menzies, Prime Minister of Australia, has told something of his country's great achieve- ment in preparing men and equipment so that it is ready......