The reappearance of The Spectator in its normal form cannot be allowed to pass without some reference to the circumstances attend- ing its suspension. k is now dear that, whether or not the Ministry of Fuel and Power could have acquired authority under a Defence Regulation to demand the non-publication of the weekly Press, it did not in fact invest itself with such authority, but forced the acquiescence of the trade association representing a large number of the weekly papers by implying that it was in a position to en- force its demands. Such procedure calls for the strongest protest. There was no possible excuse for singling out the weekly papers, as distinguished from the daily and Sunday papers, for this unpre- cedented treatment, and in no circumstances could a repetition of it be tolerated. Meanwhile The Spectator has reason to express its warmest gratitude to The Daily Mail which, by the generous offer to surrender the whole of its leader-page in each of the two weeks concerned, enabled the principal features of this journal to appear, as well as to The Daily Telegraph, The Observer, The Evening Standard and The Birmingham Post, who all in different ways gave facilities for the expression of The Spectator's views. Other offers of which it was impossible to take advantage were appreciated no less.
[Owing to the enforced gap of a fortnight, subscriptions to THE SPECTATOR will, of course, run for two weeks after they would normally have expired.]