7 MARCH 1947, page 17

White Man Among Blacks Sm,--it Is Perhaps Important That We

should be more acutely aware than we are of the realities of the situation in the Union of South Africa with regard to all relations between white and black and basic human......

School-leaving Age

Sta,—From the first of next month every child in this country is to stay at school until after he has reached the age of fifteen. In con- sequence there will for a year be no......

Soap For The Limbless Sm,—in The Spectator's Notebook By...

he mentions the "odd" fact of limbless persons being granted an extra soap-ration. It is less than a year since this concession was " wrung " from the Ministry of Food by the......

Payment By Results Srg,—the Government's Decision To...

by results " is surely a tacit confession that the main principle of Socialism has failed. If the more efficient worker is to receive a bonus above the basic wage, either this......

Rural Economy Sir,—i Am Sorry That Your Contributor, Sir...

_Beach Thomas, has not taken the opportunity which I gave him of withdrawing his gross misrepresentations of my views on agriculture and rural life. Instead, he refers to my "......

In Darkest Germany Sm,—mr. Zvegintzov First Wrote That I...

as a factor in the appalling housing situation, the incursion of expellees. I showed by quotation that, on the contrary, I emphasised it. Mr. Zvegintzov could have with- drawn,......

A Dangerous Precedent Sir,—it Will Be Difficult To Find...

justification for the closing down of about 500 weekly publications, many of which are important organs of public opinion, and an essential part of the national Press. By a......