I forget whether the blues and the buffs were opposed
at Eatans- will ; I think they were. That would no doubt account in part for the heat engendered over cheese in the House of Commons last week. The Ministry of Food, represented by Dr. Edith Summerskill, stood solid for Cheddar, which is approximately buff, while the Conservatives appropriately demanded blue—Blue Vinney, Roque- fort, Gorgonzola—which they won't get, as well as Stilton, which they now can. The heat arose over the suggestion by the Minister that hon. Members opposite seemed to know nothing about Caer- philly, because it was a workers' cheese. What with genuine indig- nation, and indignation suitably simulated, over the Ministerial attempt to foment class-differences, the temperature rose most agree- ably. It must be admitted that the Minister did trail her always
becoming skirt a little.