Loyalty betrayed
Sir: William Dalrymple tells us (Playing the white man', 22 February) that 25,000 Anglo-Indians emigrated to America, Canada or Australia, and that 'only the old, the lazy, the unemployable or the nostalgic stayed on'.
There were approximately two million Anglo-Indians in 1946. That leaves 1,975,000 unaccounted for. Is Dalrymple suggesting that they were all either old, lazy, unemployable or nostalgic? How can he tell?
Britain's refusal to allow Emile Roberts and Eric Imlay to settle in Britain is dis- graceful. It is unfortunately typical of the way in which Britain has consistently 'G'day, Bruce.' betrayed all her loyal overseas subjects, from the American Empire Loyalists, who were left to starve on the London streets, to the people of Hong Kong, who are due to be handed over to atavistic geriatric com- munists.
Paul Rowlandson
42 Hillview Avenue, Londonderry