Loyalty Betrayed
Sir: William Dalrymple tells us (Playing the white man', 22 February) that 25,000 Anglo-Indians emigrated to America, Canada or Australia, and that 'only the old, the lazy, the......
Sir: In Venus in the Kitchen or Love's Cook- ery Book published in 1952, Norman Dou- glas who was the editor includes two recipes from the book of Cartolomeo Scap- pi, private......
Gender Relationships
Sir: Kate Berridge's article, 'Foundation course in women' (15 February) cannot be allowed to pass without comment. We are both in our last year at Marlborough Col- lege, a......
Goys And Dolls
Sir: So my old friend Claus (no Santa he) von }Mow, whose company I have so often enjoyed on both sides of the North Sea, Channel and Atlantic since long before his fairy-tale......
Upstairs Downstairs
Sir: Esprit d'escalier (staircase wit) is what one would have liked to say but has thought of, too late, on the staircase outside. Com- ing down the staircase from The Spectator......