THE first panic-fit having blown over, our political quidnuncs here and in India are debating what is to be done with the Afghans ? SHAH SUJAH is shrewdly suspected of having played us false; Armies KHAN has not deserved much favour at our hands ; and the rulers of Herat and Candahar have proved but scurvy friends : it is really difficult to choose. Perhaps in these days of consist- ency, when it is allowed on all hands that a man's having done or said an absurd thing once is a good reason for his continuing to do so to the end of time, it may be as well, seeing the undertaking is generally allowed to have been begun in folly, to finish it in cha- racter. Having spent three millions or upwards in placing Snarl Susan on the throne of Cabul, the best way to wind up the affair will be to depose him, and set Doss MOHAMED up again in his stead.