Attention has this week been almost wholly confined to the settlement of today in the Consol Market. Business of a speculative kind is entirely chked ; and although prices have varied from day to slay to a consider- able extent, the bargains made have in most cases been of a bona fide cha- racter. Small investments continue to be made by the public in the Funds, but with that exception, the ordinary business is at a perfect stand-still. The late failures naturally caused the most serious embarrassments, princi- pally among the jobbers, very many scarcely knowing how their accounts stand pending the distribution of dividends. Every endeavour has been made on the part of brokers and jobbers, and every reasonable indulgence granted to meet the emergency, and so prevent the otherwise inevitable " declarations," and it is hoped that with speedy payments of dividends, very few if any will now be "hammered." The week has of course been one of intense anxiety, but it is so far satisfactory to state that the dividends are proving much better than was at filet anticipated ; absolute Josses on accounts are far less than was thought, the greater part of the &thins big brought about by those who had preceded thaw. Several have already de- clared 20s. in the pound, the rent range from 5s. to 15,. Xnecharacte,rpf dealings it is probable will be materially altered in consequence. Of thee, Ass- asters at least for some time ; quotations in Console are seldom made Qs than per cent wide ; the highest figure marked has been 91, and the lowest
89. oney has been in active and increased demand all the week, and the pressure so great, that the Bank of England Directors have deemed it ne- cessary to raise the rate of discount an additional 1 per cent, so that the minimum for the present stands at 41. India Debentures continue depres- sed, and are now quoted 921 931, and for the Scrip, 91192. Bank Stock, 215 218. Console for Money and June Account, 891 891. The French loan of 20,000,0001. has not affected our market in any way.
The Foreign Stock Market is completely paralyzed, the greatest difficulty being experienced in negotiating anything like an important transaction. The fearful decline in values has not as yet brought in purchasers. Indeed, this is not likely to occur till things have assumed a more settled appear- ance, and the enormous quantity of stock in assets has been realized. Turk- ish Stock has been done at prices varying from 60 to 68 for the Old Six per Cents, and 48 to 58 for the New. Sardinian is as low as 68 70 ; Victor Em- manuel, 70 75; Russian, 92 94; and Austrian, 35 40. Mexican is dull to- day, 151 161; other stocks are at most seriously depreciated values and only nominal. The failure of a Vienna Bunk has of course produced additional gloom.
The Railway Market continues extremely depressed and prices droop every day, the fall during the week averages 5 and 6 per cent, this, how- ever, with but little actual business doing, and prices as in the other mar- kets extremely wide. Caledonian Shares have receded to 351 36 ; London end Brighton to 103 105 ; Dover to 171 18; and Great Northern to 93 95 ; Midland, 90 91 ; Great Western, 481 491 ; London and North Western, 84 85 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 831 841. Foreign Railway Shares have been dull and inactive, but quotations are without exception, all considerably lower. Great Luxembourgs, are now 415 ; Northern of France, 311 321 ; Paris and Lyons, 271 281 ex. div.; Lombardo-Vonetian have fluctuated considerably, being at one time 6 discount the closing price to-day is 31 3 discount for the Old, and 31 31 fur the New. In miscellaneous shares there is literally nothing passing worth notice. India shares are flat. East Indian, 9294; Great Indian peninsula, 91 93. The markets are all stationary this afternoon. The Government Broker continues to invest 10,000/. per diem on behalf of the savings banks, but without having any apparent influence on the market.
The tone of the various markets is decidedly, firmer this morning, al- though there is still an absence of business. Railway Shares are quoted about I per cent higher. Console are 901901, and mark 91 for Money.