Paris Fashions.
(Prow our own Correspondent.) Although it is the month of May, the fashions are still behindhand, because of the great uncertainty of the weather. The fabries most worn are......
Tairful Arts, Fasinno, Trffitt, &r.
The "turn of the month" has not been a satisfactory one to most of the wholesale houses in the Manchester and general trades in the city. The cold) weather we have lately......
Amalgamated Society Op Engineers.
The great depression of trade during the last year in connexion with the engineering department of industry, and the degree in which it af- fects the health of the community, as......
Glass Chandeliers.
A visit to the show rooms of Messrs. Hancock and Rixon enables us to report a notable change they are effecting in the style of glass chande- liers. The fashion hitherto in......
Volunteer Uniform.
Keeping up with the tendencies of the day, Messrs. Silver and Co., have on view at their establishment a pattern Rifle uniform which they propose to furnish to Volunteer corps.......
Gentlfmrn's Clothes.
Our remarks of some two months since, in anticipation of the Spring fashions, have been so completely verified, that it would be no stretch of justice to claim for our......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, 'Samar AFTERNOON. Attention has this week been almost wholly confined to the settlement of today in the Consol Market. Business of a speculative kind is entirely......