7 MAY 1859, Page 19

The Musical Union had lla first concert of the season

on Tuesday morning at St. James's Hall, under the direction of Mr. Ella.. A young German pianist, Mademoiselle Emma Suppue, from Frankfort, delighted the audience by her highly finished and beautifel performance. She kr only eighteen, but deserves to be classed among the finest performers of the day, being equally remarkable for brilliancy of finger, taste; and ex- pression. She played a fine trio of Hummers, along with Sainton and. Piatti-Leopoltide Meyer, who was a London lion of the piano some fifteen years ago, and has returned after lionizing in every part of the world. He is a marvel of executive power—a sort of pianoforte Paganini. Like Paganini, too, he plays only his own music, which. happens not to be so good as Paganini's. He is, nevertheless, a performer well worth hear- ing, for in strength of hand and rapidity of finger, he has no rival; and he certainly produces some very fine as well as surprising effects.