At the twenty-third annual meeting of subscribers of the Art
Union, last week, at the Adelphi Theatre, the subscription was declared to amount to 15,210/. Mr. Wilmore is to engrave Turner's " Italy." Mr. Delpect has reduced a copy of the bust of Ajax, No. 86 in the Townley collection, of which specimens were ready for distribution. The report alluded to the satisfactory establishment of Art Exhibitions at " the Cape" and Australia, and the promise of the Exhibition of 1861 in reference to painting, sculpture, and music.
Mr. J. Houldsworth's house near Glasgow is attracting notice from its artistic fittings, superintended by Mr. Thomas, the sculptor ; the draw- ing-room is decorated with marqueterie-work, and at the chimney-piece stand two life-size figures of Briseis and Thetis in marble : a framed picture by Philip surmounts the sideboard in the dining-room. Walnut- tree wood, marble pillars, and stones of various colours, also aid the general effect. Mr. Thomas appears to have thoroughly established his reputation as a decorative artist of the first rank.