The House has got on fairly with the Irish Land
Bill, for though it is still in the middle of clause 4, it has got through four pages and a half out of about thirty pages in the Bill, and decided on the leading principles in dispute. On Monday an attempt of Dr. Ball's to reduce the length of lease which would exonerate landlords from liability to the operation of the Bill from 31 to 21 years, was defeated by a majority of 81 (290 to 209), the Marquis of Hartington distinguishing himself in opposition to it ; and the Government limited the retrospective action of clause 3, which gives damages for eviction as distinguished from improvements, to tenants holding farms under £100,—Mr. William Fowler's amendment with £100 substituted for .£50. And on Thursday, this clause 3, which gives damages for eviction, was ordered as amended to stand part of the Bill, but not till after a very vehement protest from Lord Elcho, who intimated his inten- tion, at some future stage of the Bill, to propose compensation to the landlords whose property they had been confiscating.