The Terms Of The "'amicable Undenitanding " Are Now...
discussion in the Parliament of be Dominion. It is proposed 'by the Bill as introduced into the Assembly of the Dominion, as far as we understand the telegram, that a province......
But Perhaps The Most Amusing Speech Was That Of The
American Minister, Mr. Motley, who told how he had been studying only that morning the example set him by the am- bassador of an important republic, who had attended a great......
Lord Elcho's Superciliousstyle Of-course Gotlim Into .a...
Mr. Robertson, M.P. for Berwickshire, with enter- taining so blind an admiration for his leader as to have sunk into a "moral molluscous" state, in which he was ready to shut......
The House Has Got On Fairly With The Irish Land
Bill, for though it is still in the middle of clause 4, it has got through four pages and a half out of about thirty pages in the Bill, and decided on the leading principles in......
Lord Granville Explained On Thursday Night The Steps...
Government h ave taken in relation to the lied River insurrec- tion. When it broke out, the transfer of the Hudson's Bay Company to the Dominion had not yet been effected, and......
The Annual Banquet Which Celebrates The Opening Of The Royal
Academy was held this day week, when the usual number of soft speeches, giving everybody to believe that everybody WM :en- chanted with eveeybody., were made. Mr. Childers said......
The Prospects Of The Government Have Greatly Brightened...
reassembling of the House after the Easter recess. Not only is the Irish Land Bill proceeding with respectable speed, but Mr. Newdegate's silly proposal to excite the Roman......