Bibliographie de Goethe en Angleterre. By Jean-Marie Carr& (Paris :
Plon-Nourrit et Cie, Rue Garanciere, 8.)—Since
publishing our review of M. Carre's interesting book on Goethe in England we have received this work. All who are interested in Goethe and his influence on the literature of this country will be delighted with this very striking and original book. It is very curious to see how strong was the influence on our authors of Goethe during the years from 1790 to 1840.
The book is a monument of learning and research. Here is a sample quotation from the section entitled " Southey " :—
" R. SOUTHEY, Wed Tyler, 1794.—Le revolutionnaire anglais de 1381 est comme Goetz epris d'humanite et de justice :-
' Show you excel them in humanity. Boldly demand your long-forgotten rights, Your sacred, your unalienable freedom.
. Show you are men.'
Wet Tyler defend de pillar et Goetz dit aux paysans
Euro Rechte und eure Freiheit zu erlangen t . . . Wollt ihr ebstehen von alien Uebelthaten und handeln ale wackere Leute, so will ich auf acht Tags euer Hauptmann sein. (Goetz, V.) Cf. aussi la derniere scene de War Tyler (I am not a rebel) et la seance du tribunal de Weinsberg. (Ich bin kein Rebell, Goetz, IV.).'"