The Trade Unions In The Shipbuilding Industry, Being...
very serious depression owing to lack of orders for new ships at the high prices now ruling, accepted the employers' proposal to reduce wages by 15 per cent. in two instalments.......
The American Senate On Saturday Last Adopted By 49 Votes
to 23 Senator Knox's resolution declaring that the state of war between the United States and Germany had come to an end, Senator Lodge predicted that a separate treaty with......
The Supreme Council Of The Allies Met At Downing Street
last Saturday to determine what steps should be taken in view of Germany's failure to fulfil her Treaty obligations, in regard to disarmament, the punishment of war criminals,......
News Of The Week.
A PART from the certainty that some beneficent forces are at work behind the scenes, there is nothing but present failure to record in connexion with the coal strike. Imme-......
As Regards The Forces Which Are Quietly Working For Peace,
there must be something in them, or Mr. J. H. Thomas would not have said on Wednesday that the strike would be over in a week. Mr. Hodges, moreover, still seems willing to......
Thus The Deadlock Was Complete. Since Then All Parties Have
overtly been marking time. Trade, already staggering from the blows it had received, is vanishing. Every class will be poorer as a result of the strike, and not least of all the......
To Our Readers.
Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly should become yearly subscribers. The yearly subscription, including Postage to any address......