Guardian prose
Sir: In his review of Cardus on Music: A Centenary Collection (9 April) Rupert Christiansen, writing about the tradition of prose of the Manchester Guardian, men- tions that it was 'fostered by editors like C. P. Scott and C. E. Montague'.
In fact, C. E. Montague, the brilliant dramatic critic and leader writer, son-in- law of C. P. Scott, was never editor of the Manchester Guardian. He retired in 1925 and died in 1928. C. P. Scott, when he retired in July 1929, appointed his son, E. T. Scott, as editor. After the death of E. T. Scott by drowning in April 1932, my father, W. P. Crozier, was editor from 1932 to 1944.
Mary Crozier
12 Priory Road, Kew Gardens, Richmond, Surrey