Guardian Prose
Sir: In his review of Cardus on Music: A Centenary Collection (9 April) Rupert Christiansen, writing about the tradition of prose of the Manchester Guardian, men- tions that it......
Loan Risks
Sir: I hope I may be forgiven for returning to the subject of bank lending overseas, so amusingly dealt with by your correspon- dent Christopher Fildes (City and sub- urban, 25......
• Muck Disposal
Sir: Mr Dominic Lawson wrote an interest- ing article 'Where there's muck' (9 April). It is a pity that he cancelled at short notice his acceptance of my invitation to come to......
Odd Sentences
Sir: Charles Glass (Diary, 23 April) cor- rectly noted the unusual phenomenon of most people's likelihood of selecting an odd number less than ten, rather than an even number.......
Letters Hermeneutist
Sir: Auberon Waugh's exposition of the parable of the sheep and goats (Matthew xxv, 31-46) in his predictable critique of Archbishop Derek Worlock's political and theological......
The Spectator
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