Messrs. JOHN BARNETT' the composer and MORRIS BARNETT the eOrnetlian
have become joint lessees of the Prince's Theatre ; which they announce to open on th 211t1 11151 as with English opera. Their programme announces ilew works by BALEE, BARE ETT, BEN EDICT, BI511011', T. COOKE, LOOER, LUCAS, MACFAIMEN, HOOK E, and other composers ; and the vocal company includes Miss Roanalt, Messrs. If. P1111.1.1 as, FRAZER, C. BA mum, and MORLEY, Willi other names of less note ; a numerous chorus ; a hand of forty instrnmentalists, led by Mr. ; a corps dramotique for farce, includini; Millais BAIINVIT, Mr. and Mrs., 3lesses. '1'. 1.1;te, C. 11.0.1), Ind others; al.d a small corps de Indict. The lessees profess to be actuated by a desire to allbrd a thir field for the display of Ifritish musical talent ; and if they DIA up to their profession ii, they stnuu y calculate on encouragement front the public and aid front the profession. The enterprise is arduous; but good management and good intentions together will go far to insure success.