7 NOVEMBER 1840, page 8

The Lisbon Official Gazette Of The 24th October Publishes...

law for regulating the liberty of the press, which had passed both Chambers, and received the Royal assent. Its main features are—the exaction of a guarantee from the editor of......

The Belgian Budget For The Ensuing Year Gives The Estimate

of 29,837,857 for the Public Debt, 90,849 for the Marine, 30.525,000 francs for the War department, and 11,321,355 francs for the Finance, or a total, with other items, of......

Colonel Gawler, The Governor Of South Australia, Whose...

penditure has brought so much embarrassment on that colony, has been recalled ; and Captain Grey has been appointed as his successor. Cap- tain Grey is favourably known to the......

Papers Have Been Received From The Cape Of Good Hope

to the 24th of' A ugust. These papers contain a report of the proceedings of the Legislative Council on the 30th of July. The memorial to the Secretary of State, founded on the......

Madrid Papers To . ."e , :1 1st

Queen entered 31,u 1rs e1 th is d.s. lowing iitA:0',111', 5" , " ' rite tr.11 Slid net pre, tho ces-doll from tlic \ the merry pools of the and the benedictions of th.• thin......

The Following Description Of The First Descent Of The Rapids

between. Lake Ontario and Montreal by a steamer, is copied, with vouchers for its correctness, into the Canada papers from the New York Commercial' Advertiser. The steamer is......