The Lisbon official Gazette of the 24th October publishes the
law for regulating the liberty of the press, which had passed both Chambers, and received the Royal assent. Its main features are—the exaction of a guarantee from the editor of each paper, to consist of an actual de- posit of 2,400 milreis, and bail for 2,400 milreis more ; and the esta- blishment of a higher standard .a qualification for the office ofjurymen in cases of libel. The new law does not impose any additional penalty for abuse of the liberty of the press, but merely confirms those already in force by the former legislation. The Minister of Justice announced to the Chamber of Deputies, that since the new law had come into operation, the Government had determined to propose the immediate repeal of the law for suspending the liberty of the press. The proposal was agreed to by general acclamation, and passed the Senate the next day. The publication of the non-official journals, which had been suppressed for nearly three months, was expected to recommence immediately.