Papers have been received from the Cape of Good Hope
to the 24th of' A ugust. These papers contain a report of the proceedings of the Legislative Council on the 30th of July. The memorial to the Secretary of State, founded on the resolutions passed by the public meeting on immigra- thin in Cape Town, was sent in to the Governor, to he forwarded to the Home Government; with the request that he would cause it to be published, for general information, in the Government Gazette of the colony. The memorialists also begged that the Governor would appoint a commission to investigate the subjects of which the memorial treat& The Governor declined to appoint the commission ; but observed, that the unofficial members of Council might very well be on a Committee of the kind, and he would furnish all the iuformation that he could. The Council then appointed an open Committee of Council, which met on the 6th of August, to receive that information. The Governor stated that he had received instructions from home to redeem the Colonial paper-money, devoting the surplus revenue to that purpose. Under those circumstances, lie did not think that any funds would remain for internal improvemeuts or immigration. On the lotto the Government Secretary proposed a series of resolutions, amounting to a declaration that the withdrawal of the whole or part of the paper- money from the circulation would be disadvantageous to the colony, as it would prevent the construction of roads and other necessary improve- ments ; and the resolutions therefore recommended that the Colonial
Government should be allowed to reissue the paper-money-2 per cent., interest to be charged on the Colonial expenditure for the balance a the paper-money which might remain in the military chest, over and. above one quarter's supply.