7 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 18


Mn. GRIFFITH, of Norwood, has been presented by a party of artists with a superb piece of plate, as a testimonial of his valuable and dis- interested services in promoting their interests by negotiating the sale of their works. The compliment is well-deserved ; for Mr. GRIFFITH devotes his time and attention during the season to the humble and not always gracious office of agent for the disposal of water-colour draw- ings—prompted by his love for art and a desire to benefit artists ; receiving a commission only sufficient to defray his expenses, and to prevent any sense of obligation on the part of those who avail them- selves of his arrangements. Purchasers, instead of going round to the different artists, call at Mr. GRIFFITH'S rooms, in Waterloo Place, and select from his portfolios such drawings as they like, paying the price Exed by the artist, who receives the amount minus the commission. Nor is the doing away of the ad libitum profits of the dealer the only benefit arising from this plan. Mr. GRIFFITH is an amateur of taste and judgment, as well as a man of business ; and he can receive and convey to artists the wishes and opinions of purchasers, acting as mediator be- tween two parties, where the intervention of a third person, in whom both can place perfect confidence, is desirable. That the producers of water-colour drawings duly appreciate these advantages, is proved by the circumstance that twenty-one of the number who have experienced them, are subscribers to this handsome present ; and among the names, are those of Messrs. TURNER, STANFIELD, ROBERTS, HARDING, and FIELDING. The plate, a Tazza of elegant design, bears the following inscription—" To Thomas Griffith, Esq., this is presented as a token of sincere personal esteem, and as a tribute of gratitude for his zealous and most effective services in the cause of' art."