7 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 3

Zbe Vrobinces.

The Municipal Elections in the corporate towns of England took ' place on Monday the 2d—the 1st of November having fallen on Sun- day. They were generally conducted with a great deal of spirit. The fellowing is a list of the places in which each party professes to have gained strength by these elections.


Deal, Harwich, Dover, Leicester, ' Gateshead, Maldon, Hastings, Northampton.


Bewdley, Bedford, Bury St. Edmund's, Boston, Bridgewater, Bristol, Cambridge, Chester, Colchester, Exeter, Falmouth, Gravesend, Hertford, Hull, Ipswich, Lancaster, Leeds,

We have not enumerated those places where the balance of parties remains the same, nor where the returns are uncertain. In Bir- mingham and Manchester, for instance, where the legality of the Cor- poration is in dispute, the Conservatives made no fight : at Lichfield, where the struggle was very severe, the result seems doubtful.

Liverpool, Lynn, Lymington, Macclesfield, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Oxford, Reading, Rochester, Stockport, Shrewsbury, St. Alban's, Tamworth, Totnes, Walsall, Warwick, Wigan, York.