The election of Town-Councillors for Elitthoreh took place on Tuesday. As i was known that the result of these would determine the issue of the contest b:aween Sir James Forrest and Mr. Adam Black for the Mike of Lord Provost. the Foe:or-dings were more animated than on ony previous occasion. Six of the Councillors elected were understood to be for Mr. Black, four for Sir James Forrest, and two for Mr. Drysdale. The nominati :11 of Mr. Drysdale, however, was doubt- ful ; and it was supposed that his :lien Is would name Sir James Forrest. It appears from the calculations of the IV, (the latest Edin-
burgh paper befin a us while we ic ri I:1! 1. those previously ia the Council, Sir James Forrest S..; Mr. I lrysdale's nomination, would have a majority of l; to 101 .\ 17'. Black. At Leith, the wholc of the 0011; .1.: R:ors were reOected.
At Glasgow. the elections base s 1.-1 to the sto-Issth of the Toercy- po he ny. T a'asoote " elec- tions tions took place on Tuesday ; whs , t.1 N12111'011, ConteSti,
than w sas ever before brought to hear upon "1 s..eseeded in adding one to their number io a s• Isei!." The editor of
the degas, however, coos:oes hell -es o solestion. that three
vears under a Tory Provost will loisst Coe eonstituency back
to their seoses.
We are glad to learn the' he Faculty ,f
this city, at their rucetine e.; :11.;:oloy „ rial to Government, ri r . tio; searching inquiry nit,: ; cos.- and a:. :
:isere which exists io See:1„..-1, std. ;stile; s it all ranks of society. by leadioe- ,11r, Y.y 7.1i:.•■:1 of morals, the increase of e; aml the o, -Ii cc of c. diseases.— Glasgow sleolse week, in Whiatield's l'Iorod. .1 ; brellsi‘dtrtisals-ryni
The adfloos, seas adopo:.I. The sh o ;
Stoodoni, '6 is as (..irt'S.,:d !.
A meetine of thc Chartists of l: 1;,: 1 sit Bsoun ranee ; ,.• • ; 'I:, Death's
had :nod eross-bo:les, and Ole -C
In the SheritYs' Small Del ; I:
adjudicatol here the pesseer - 111111dr...a °Whit;
his prointse of ittarrioge. Th
fall amount sued tor, viz. one 1 .. .. cd ;se,. ling—that being the highest slim that van 'se re. 1.)ebt Act. and the exercise of a more OV:.•I'v. II, `,...-.-geons of a,
and ; wellbeins. of
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'. r :os Small