Travel and Talk. By the Rev. H. R. Haweis, M.A.
(Chat() and Windus.)-Mr. Haweis in his study, Mr. Haweis accoutred for the pulpit, furnish the frontispieces of these two volumes, and at the same time the subject-matter of a table of con- tents, abbreviated indeed but containing the essential part of the book. Mr. Haweis writes about himself, and why should he not? He is amply justified by the fact that people will read him so writing. Indeed, he does not become at all dull till, having come to the end of what he has to say about his "hundred thousand miles of travel," he gives us a chronicle of Australasian missions. We do not criticise the book. Those who admire Mr. Haweis-and they are numerous enough to make him a successful author and a still more successful preacher-will read it, those who do not like him will abstain. Nothing that we could say would make any difference to this class or to that.