Animal Kindergarten.
A WRITER in the Reading Mercury, describing the games played by lambs, says,—" From one point of view animal life is very serious, and if they are to survive in the struggle......
The Love For Grand Words.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:] Sre,—The race of vergers, sextons, and like officials has ever loved words which, though not necessarily sesquipedalian, come under the......
[to Tut Editor Of Tes " Spectator:1 Sir,—mrs. Sutherland...
in her authoritative "Hand- book" to Browning's works, gives duly the Aristotle reference, and comments on its expansion in "Halbert and Hob." This work, overlooked by your......
Letters To The Editor.
BROWNING AND ARISTOTLE ['re TIE EDITOR OP TEE " SPECTATOR.") S1R,—The recurrence in Browning's poem of a story originat- ing in Aristotle has its exact parallel in American......