Mr. Justice Lawson has released Mr. Gray, who, while serving
as High Sheriff, permitted himself to interrupt the course of justice by editorial comments on a murder trial calculated to destroy all confidence in the jury. He was sentenced for con- tempt of Court to three months' imprisonment, to a fine of 2500, and to find bail for three months more, to the amount of £7,500. The Judge now declares that "he is not without hope that the forces of law are again in operation," that the Executive is firm enough to put its sufficient powers in motion for the sup- pression of disorder, and that the Commission is coming to an end. As he could not, when the Court had once risen, release Mr. Gray, and as no other authority has any power in the matter, he releases him after an im- prisonment of six weeks. He must, however, pay his fine of £500. The money has been paid, and Mr. Gray has returned to his home, amidst very slight evidences of popular rejoicing. The release of Mr. Gray is probably judicious, as the sentence upon him has had its effect, and will certainly warn any future High Sheriff that his duty towards the State takes precedence of any duty, real or imaginary, towards the public. A policeman is not to resist an order of a Court because, in his judgment, it would be for the general good that the order should be disobeyed.