Sir Stafford Northcote On Wednesday Delivered Two...
The first, to the Tory caucus there, called locally the "National Union of Conservative Associations," dwelt on the advantages of organisation; and the second dealt with general......
Mr. Justice Lawson Has Released Mr. Gray, Who, While Serving
as High Sheriff, permitted himself to interrupt the course of justice by editorial comments on a murder trial calculated to destroy all confidence in the jury. He was sentenced......
A Most Important Deputation Of Ulster Liberals Waited On Mr.
Trevelyan at the Castle on Tuesday, to represent to him that the Land Act had been impaired by the appointment of Valuers to aid the Sub-Commissioners. Valuers lived by the......
Mr. Lowther Will Be Much More Acceptable To Real Tories.
He made a speech at Hull on the same day, and beginning by saying that no party ought to make capital out of a national success, he poured out his soul. Arabi had only learnt......
The Extraordinary Range Of The Demands Raised By The...
Irredenta " party is best shown by the statements of the official " Elements of Geography," published in 1877, for the use of schools. In this publication, scholars are informed......
The Church Congress Was Opened At Derby On Tuesday, With
a sermon from the Archbishop of York. The attendance has been largo, exceeding 2,000, and the proceedings of the most varied character, while the mark of the year has been a......
The Next General Election In Italy Has Been Fixed For
the end of the month, and will be one of singular interest. The num- ber of electors has been increased fourfold, and now includes every man who can read and write, while the......
Two Or Three Native Accounts Of The Storm Of Tel-el-kebir
have reached England. They all agree upon three points,—that the attack was a surprise, the Egyptian videttes having neglected their duty, owing, we imagine, to the extreme......