Mr. Lowther will be much more acceptable to real Tories.
He made a speech at Hull on the same day, and beginning by saying that no party ought to make capital out of a national success, he poured out his soul. Arabi had only learnt his lesson from Mr. Gladstone. He had seen agitation succeed. He had seen a defeated British army withdrawn, on the plea of blood- guiltiness. He thought that if defeated, he would be entertained in Kensington, like Cetewayo, and presented to the Queen. As for the destruction of Alexandria, the Kilmainham Treaty taught him how to let out gaol-birds. As to Ireland, the con- duct of the Government had been disgraceful, and if the "iron hand " were withdrawn, the monster would break loose again. (Mr. Lowther, then, admits that the iron•hand cures nothing ?) He should resist the Closure with all his might, for he did not believe the country wanted any more grandmotherly legislation. On the following day, Mr. Lowther, at Beverley, described the Liberals as "the natural enemies of agriculture," they enter- taining the " sinister " wish " to transfer some of the farmer's burdens to the landlord." This is the kind of thing which de- lights Tories, and makes them wish that Mr. Lowther were intellectually competent to be a leader.