[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] Sm,—During the anxious days of the crisis, hundreds of thousands of British parents have, for the first time in history, been brought face to face with separation from their children owing to evacuation plans under the direct threat of war.
This must have brought home to many of us, more poignantly than ever before, the tragedy of the 1,7w evacuated Spanish children who are still with us. They were obliged to part from their parents during actual conditions of warfare, and have now been separated from them for more than a year. These children are entirely dependent upon us for security, food, shelter, and the opportunity to lead, as far as possible, the normal life of childhood.
May we therefore appeal to your readers, in this moment of relief at their own children's safety, to help us to go on maintaining these unhappy child victims of the Spanish Civil War, until we are able to return them to their parents, which is being done whenever possible ?—Yours, &c., CECLL, LISTOWEL, ELEANOR F. RATHBONE, WILFRID ROBERTS, H. V. TEWSON. Basque Children's Committee, 4 Great Smith Street, London, S.W. r.