7 OCTOBER 1938, page 32
Distinction In Poetry
Poems. By F. T. Prince. (Faber. 5s.) MR. PangcE's poems have the rare and complex quality that we call distinction. In his patient search for the right word and .cadence, and in......
Kafka In High Spirits
America. By Franz Kafka'. Transl a ted by Edward and Will_ Muir. (Routled g e. 8s. 6d.) THE first in date of Kafka's three g reat novels, America is the least complete. The g ap......
Apart From Bein G Amon G The Most Autobio G Raphical Of...
Robert Burns showed a stron g impulse towards auto- bio g raphy in prose. He started two commonplace books, kept a journal when travellin g , wrote a letter to his En g lish......