On Saturday, a commission of lunacy was opened at the
Court, Red Lion Square, to ascertain the state of mind of Mr. Richard Estcourt Cresswell, of Pinckney Park, in Wiltshire. This gentleman
had been arrested for debt in France, and imprisoned; but, in eon* quence of his alleged insanity, was removed from Boulogne to a.lunatic asylum at St. Vernant. The French authorities would not velum up, and therefore the inquiry took place in his absence. Evidence of insanity was given by several witnesses. Dr. Sutherland detailed the particulars of an interview with Mr. Cresswell, in the French asylum- " I was introduced to him as I)r. Sutherland ; and he expressed himself happy to see me, and said 1 was the very person he wanted. Ile appeared to recognize me; and mentioned as his reason, that I had given lain assistance when his persecutors had smashed his skull with a mallet in the Cloisters, in Dean's Yard, Westminster. That led to a conversation about Dean's Yard, and 1 found Mr. Cresswell and myself had been at school together; and 1 also recollected having sects Alr. Cresswell in 1821, when he applied to me dints commisson of lunacy against his father. lle spoke tolerably well shot the education he had received; but he mixed up with all his conversationaystemof persecution, chiefly connected with hisheing constantly shot at. Ile said he 010 wounded in various parts of the hasty ; anal lie took off one of his starhv to show me that he had a wound in his right leg. I examined his lee, and found that it was perfectly sound, and argued and attempted to convince him that he was under n delusion ; upon which lie said that I might think so, but blood mind out of his leg, and lie felt that the balls were trickling dowel him, and working their way out. Ile alas talked about it conspiracy that existed anminst him, headed by a 11r. Best; and he said that his enemies sometime, shot at him from above ;11111 helac and down the ehhanies, and that systom carried on clay and night dung the whole time he lout been at St. i'crilailt, which was from 18:1:2. 1 could make 110 illnpre■Sit,11 ou him is to those delusion:; and I said it' he was itaxionsto have his ease inquired into, it would he tamale better to have his ideas pat doss writing ; and I requested Mr. 131uxaur, 11r. ('resswelfs to takes pen and receive his instructions. 3I r. Dioxin's acearilingly Conk up a 1,,en,.011d, wrote on the paper 1 noir produce, as near as passible to )II.. l'ressvell .
attacked I ina mt hes limmo rdnainyg .a nd hnghet e. bdMit ro. rB neisnt ehh000ttss inni em mee i. tli aa pi satl... ent: and have fought in I lyale Park with the Russians. I was knocked unto tlte. Serpentine whilst making a charge. I have been to Cambridge, Osturil, Dept flint, and Uxbridge ; Rini at the but place a surgeon pethirmed uperro upon me. My title is the Earl of Ilungerford. lily medal I NV reliT my neck was given to me by George the Second. I have a bucket lodged int stomach ; and 1 have had large property left me by the Each of Darling ns.: lie then signed the paper, under thtierent titles—namely, as Lord llungerfordi Earl Newark, Wolverhampton, Deptford, Hastings."
The Jury returned a verdict dating Mr. Cresswell's insanity from the 1st of August 1830.