An Assurance Society, Which Is Intended To Combine The Usual
busi- ness of similar institutions with time advantages of Sick Clubs or Bene- fit Societies, is about to be established in London, under the title of " The General Life and......
Taken Principally From Provincial Papers Published On...
anticipated. The greater portion of the Lent grains have been safely h ew s , and it must be borne in mind, that the weather, at the commencement and the crops are full an......
Everybody Knows How Much Depends Upon A Great Man ' S...
More Perhaps than on the great man himself: When, therefore, Mr. Polka Thomso n was made Governor-General and Captain-General of the Brits ' h Provinces in North America, " who......
Tuesday's Gazette announces the appointment of " the Right lIonour- able Charles Poulett Thomson to be Governor-General, Voce - Admiral, and Captain-General of all her Majesty......
We Have Reason To Believe That The Official Arrangements...
last week by the Ministerial papers, " upon authority, " as having then been fully determined on, have encountered consider:lilt , di llienities and undergone some material......
The Duke Of Sussex Has !wen Very Unwell At Southwick
Park, but is now better ; his Royal Highness has been proressionally attended by his physician from London.—lbonpshire Trlegraph. Count Sebastiani, the French Ambassa,lor, bas......