7 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 4

Mr. Villiers, M.P. for Wolverhampton, has received a requisition from

the burgesses of Manchester, calling upon him to offer himself as a candidate, on the Reform interest, at the next election. This the honourable gentleman has refined, declaring that the obligations Con- ferred on him by the electors of 'Wolverhampton would make him pre' fer representing that constituency.—Stalfordshire Examiner.

Lord Cantelupe offers himself to represent Lewes at the next election.

We understand that Mr. Owen has taken a large tract of land is Hampshire, upon which he intends forthwith to commence operations to establish a Cooperative Association.--Iforning Advertiser. A good deal of alarm for the result of the harvest prevails on the Exchange at Liverpool, where it is producing some mischief, by c_110' ing confidence and retarding business. The first effect of this is felt in a reduction of price in cotton, of which the sales are again falling offs- Globe.

The weather since Monday has been so unfavourable, the rain pouf' ing down almost without intermission in every district of Sussex, that partridge shooting eau scarcely be said to have begun with us, AO

rdv class of sportsmen have fired a few shots ; but the labour minoreleehatild has been immense with a comparatively small return.— Brighton Guardian.

Mr. Stephenson, the engineer, is at present engaged in surveying


for aline of railway between York and Scarborough.