The Archbishop of Canterbury objects to grants of public money
to various religious denominations in the Colonies. His Grace told Nor- manby, in the House of Lords, that sects ought not be be put upon an equality with the Church. In so far as the State recognizes other de- nominations by giving money to them as well as the Church, the claim of the Establishment to exclusive patronage is, no doubt, disregarded; but as respects the amount of aid contributed, there is nothing like equality-all sects are not put on the same footing ; as we learn from the subjoined table, extracted front a Parliamentary paper of the last session. It shows the sum annually paid to different denominations in each colony.
Church of England. C of Scollend. Dutch Chorrh of Church. Borne.
1. a. e1, 1. a.
1. a. d.
a. d.
745 7 4
500 0 0 MO 17 6 61,5 0 0 ....
279"0 0
• • •
584 0 0
400 0 0
6.313 13 0 0099 0
3,5)7 2 1'90 0 0 1,3;9 12 0
• • •
0 0 4,507 0 0 TOO 0 0 2,090 0 0 7,470 15 10 2,1111 0 8
1,1TO 0 0 6,074 5 7 73 0
341 0 4 50 0
165 0 0 39617
1,615 E 0 07 13 4
34,610 0 0 61Z3
550 0 0 2,0117 10 6 7110 • 0
10,066 13 4
1.705 13 3
1,730 1 11
467 15 0
0 0
690 0 0
113 0 0
250 0 0
1,934 10 10
3,1102 0 0 ;IN II 0
427 15 •
12,118 15 4,089 0 0 183 14 4 1,170
7,290 922 19 1,745 0
0 S
WO S 8
• •
0,596 7 0 700 0 0
1,100 0 4,270 4 0 490 0
300 0 0 31.0 0 0
250 0 0
7,345 11
4.6.1..11 0
946 10 0
134,450 10 11 9,997 6 ft 6,846 4 6 14,793 II 4 'fetid*.
1. s. ,0 iS 7 twO 17 770 0 270 0 5116 0 41,9 0 11,290 17 0,060 12 6,707 0 11,193 9 6,149 5 641 11 165 0 467 17 1,001 10 07,843 6 ft 0,737 10 6 10,006 13 4 1,7115 13 3 1,796 1 0 497 15 0 4,046 0 0 690 0 0 1,1012 17 0 113 0 0 250 0 0 5,110 10 nn 713 0 0 467 15 0 17.11X1 15 0 9,576 4 1122 0 3 11,126 7 0 3,6711 4 0 000 0 0 250 0 0 7.092 19 0 946 LO 0
129,0.7 10 5
.1. ,
0 0 i
0 0 0 6 7 4 0 2 0 Cnpo of Gent !lope, \1 °slept. 511ni3icr 75 0 0 Jmninieo, Wc..leyan Chapel Nal 0 • ittunden. 11,04.1 (impel 13.0 0 0 Jwnoieo, Jewa' Synagogue 1,000 0 0 - --- General Total 16.1,642 13 3 Colony.
Diocese of Nova Scotia- it. Novo Scotia 12. New Bruunnek • .....
13. l'tince Edward 14Iant 14. Newfoundland 15. Bermuda Diocese of defiance-.
16. hunntro
17. Mamma. ....... Dineen. of Bat bodes and IlseLecwattl !donde- IR. %abode& 10. arena& 20. St. Vineents 21. Dont'nica ........... N. Antigun .......
45. Nevi+
40. TorloIn owl the
27. Virgin Islands . f • " • 29. Tt inidad St. Lucht Britialt G ttiono- 31. Detnerarn,S. Et.aetpi i lc.
92. Betbice 93. Honduran. Diocece of Australia- :14. New South Wale.4 95. Van Diemen's Laud..
00. Wo.tern 511,tral;a 37. Southern A0010,l u..
96. Ceylon
I. Gibrollar.
5. 111,16n ....... ......, 3. loninn Islands 4. Heligoland ...„, 5. Sierra Leoce O. Iltillturat, Giver (Jambe 7. Cope of Gated 119 pc 8. Mourititts........ Meta° of Quebec- P. Lower CanatItt 10. Upper Centeln
69. Ment4rtrat ..........
24. St. Chnatophera
211. Tobago.
29. St. Helene .........
It appears that in Upper Canada, where, as Lord Durhom's Report declares, the members of the Anglican Church are a minority, the sum of 7,4761. 15.s. 10d. is allotted to them, while the Church of Scotland receives only 2,1181., and the Church of Rome 1,600/. Out of the total 168,2421. 13s. 5d. the Church of England gets 134,4501. 10s. I ld.- the lion's share certainly. The venerable Primate had no cause to grumble at the proportions in which the grants were divided among the different religious denominations. Referring to the detailed ac- count attached to the table, we find that it is not to the numbers of the clergy, so much as to the higher rate of payment, that the excess of the Church receipts is to be attributed. At Gibraltar, a Catholic Vicar- General and four other clergymen divide 300/. ; while two Chaplains to the Garrison, belonging to the Church of England, obtain in salary and allowances 745/. 7s. 4d. In the Ionian Islands, three Chaplains of the Establishment receive 6851.; and three Roman Catholic Chaplains 911. At the Cape, the sum given to the Dutch Church is 5,547/. 2s. 2d., but it is divided among twenty-three ministers; while six English clergymen take 2,313/. 15s. The Dutch are paid at the rate of 241/. ; the English 3851. Ia Upper Canada, twenty-six clergymen of the Church of Scotland are paid 571. per annum each, amounting to ;48.1 the salaries of the English Church clergy vary from 100/ to 34.-,6'; s great majority being 170/., and the total 7,4761. 15s. 10d, The 011d 1,0001. is paid to the Roman Catholic Bishop to he divided se; twenty-nine clergymen of his church in Upper Canada, in yeo8 foundland, the Venerable the Archdeacon is paid 300/.; she Catholic Bishop 75/. And so it runs throughout the Colonies °C;' plaints, at any rate, should not conic from the Established Chur.cht% perhaps the Bishops and Archdeacons, now in England. Would actwisely in pocketing their salaries and saying little about them. -