TO Wens.
At Pierronn.nt, 'Charlet, the Lady EttANcEs FLErritElt, of a daughter.
On the 26111 ult., iit Oehertyre, Seotland. Laity KErrit Mu mt.ty, of it non.
Ott the 28th till., at Giltnerton, Scotland, 1,:ay KIN1.01.11, of a daughter. On the 27th ult., at GIvnile, the Ludy of Sir Basin:rex SEESIOrit„ her Majesty's
Minstr at Brussels, of it il;inghter.
Oa the list ult., at KetiSington, the Lady of Istmassna svmstasts, Esq., of tho Mndras Mistiest Service, of a son. On the 1st. inst.. in Fair Street, Dro.,lietla, the Laity of CHARLES TwisTLETON GRAVES, Esq., Royal Irish Posiliers, or a daughter.
MA It ItIAGENJS. Ou the 28.11 ult., at F...tilltfort, CilAHLESIIEAmiN LEE, Esq., of the Abbey, Knares• borsugh. Yorkshire, the lion. NIAitv Sti.:AtEr, third daughter or General tier Lord Forbes; soil at the tame time, the Baron Eitsr.s.r tz, to the lion. Ism :ELLA Daum. WED, fifth daughter of Lord Forbes. On the 3d inst., at the Royal what'll:111, Jo on Comm.s Esq.. of Grosvenor Street, to Lady Lue HARRIET 31.:NISIN:0:4, daughter or the Earl of Liverpool. ,41 the 4th inst„ at St. martio•she• cantatit thinitLEs SreAltE, Of the Grenadier Guards, to GEoarli:INA, eldest theighter of the late Vice-Admiral Sir John (tee, mud Mulder Iluttour to her Majesty the (34o:a Dowager. On the 31 inst.. at Millington, Gloucestershire. the Rev. EnWA111) listenes. Chaplain in Ordinary to her Majesty, Prebendary of Gloucester and Bristol, Mild Itector of Curie Castle, Dorsetshire, to Miss MARIA Rice, third daughter of the nom and Very Rev. the Dean of Gloucester.
Olt the ::7tit tilt., at:Cheltenham, the Rev. Cunal.Es litisits, second son of the Right Hon. tier of II-el:tint. to Em m KLINE Eu E , second daughter of Captain Sir Josiah Coghill, Bart.. 11.N.. of Belvedere House. Dublin. On the 2.411 tilt., at Chariton Kings, near Cheltenham. the Rev. S. E. likaxAna. of Cheltenham, to .MAILY Ass. eldest daughter of the late James Walker, Esq., of Blackheath, Kent.
Ou the 29tIt tilt., at Marlborough Church, Devon, GEonolt HowAun VENN, Esq., Captain 2t1 Life Gnarls, to lozzv, sixth daughter of the late Rear.Athuiral Sir Michael Seymour, Dar:. K.C.11. Ott the 4th inst., :it Whitt lagton Church. Westtio.r.•land, the nor. 'HENRY Surril, to ANN, younger daughter of the late Ilr. Taylor, of Chet:ea. On the 31.11 list., at St..1,,htt's, Paddington, by the 11..v. St, Vincent Beet:hey, WIL- LIAM NEI.SliN itvuaguvv, LS+, to MARIA, second daughter or 3. W. Liddiard, Esq., or I ly.le Park Street.
Ott the 24th ult.. at Orlon Stall, ELIZA ern!, t ...unless of AinvNE.
on the :11st 011.. at Leatnitr:Jon, the Iles. henna Citani.Es E WON'. M.A., third son of Itich.ird Eaton, Esq., er Stetchw,.ri h, Canthridge. On the :26111 1tlt,, Ax Oa KW, eldest Min tong sidi of Sir Archibald Christie, of Stir:ing Castle. N.B., itt his 27th year. Ott the :Al list., at 11..r house, at Croote's I I ill, Greenwich, .1t1 WidOW of the into Viee...stheiras Christopher :union, in her 9,1111 year'.