7 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 9

The accounts of the crops in the United States are

somewhat contra- dictory, but upon the whole fitvourable. To the New York Produce Stakes, which close on the 1st of January 1810. there are already five subscribers at 5,000 dollars each, 1,000 dol- lars forfeit. This is beating us with a vengeance ; a subscription of rather mere than 1,00O1. each !

The St. Louis Republican publishes an extract of a letter received in that city, from a gentleman residimsb at Fort Snelling, dated July 10111, by which we learn that war has broken out between the Sioux and fbippeway tribes of Indians : 133 men, women, and children of the latter, had been tortured, scalped, and butchered ; and 36 of the former. None of the Whites in the vicinity had been molested.

A vessel arrived at New York, from South America, brings intelli- gence, to the effect that Commodore Nicholson, of the United States squadron off Buenos Ayres, had endeavoured to mediate between the French and Buenos Ayreans, but without effect. The citizens are more than ever resolved to make no concession. In consequence of the British Vice-Consul having favoured Santa Cruz, his authority is no longer recognized by the Peruvians.

It is stated that a body of five hundred men landed from seventeen French launches at the Atalaya, and destroyed eight coasting-vessels odd twenty-one which were lying there. The Buenos Ayrean officer, in his despatch to the Government, reproaches the French with causing a wanton destruction of private property.