The second election for Manchester terminated yesterday in Mr. Greg's
thymus and by a larger majority than he obtained on Thurs- day. The following numbers were announced during the progress of polling.
Greg. Murray.
Ilalf-past nine tun 744 ... 597 1210 ... 084 Eleven 1875 ... 1593 Twelve 2030 ... 1764 Four 3 024 ... 3174
The final numbers in this table are taken front the report of Mr. Greg's Committee, and show a majority of 250. Sir ,George Murray's Committee give the following—
Greg 3206 Murray 2994 Majority 212
The Boroughreeve yesterday made his official declaration of the poll on the Thursday contest—
Greg 3096 M array 2969 Thompson 63 Majority for Greg 127 A Radical correspondent writes to us from Manchester, that reports were diligently circulated on Thursday that Colonel Thompson had with- drawn from the contest, and then the Colonel's friends polled for Mr. Greg.