We have received Sydney papers to April the 22d. They
contain the welcome intelligence of the termination if the drought. The Sydney .Gazette of the 11th of April announces copious showers of rain- s We believe we may at length congratulate our fellow colonists on the termi- nation of the excessive drought under which the colony has so long been suffer- ing. On Tuesday night Sydney was visited with several heavy showers of rain, which continued at intervals during the whole of that mght and the succeeding morning. Yesterday we received the pleasing intelligence flint the rain of the previous evening had reached the Cowpastures and intelligence dis- tricts, the country intervening between Svitnev and Windsor, and the Ma- ntra district as far as Shoalhaven. On the Hunter, we arc glad to Icarus, there has also fallen a considerable quantity of rain lately."
Intelligence of another " Black massacre" had reached Sydney. It was said to have occurred in November last, near the Big River. Nine shad bodies were discovered, and one of the slayers gave an account of the massacre. It appears that a party went out in search of Blacks, and found nine who attempted to defend their lives, but were over- powered and killed. It is said that a person of some respectability, superintendent of an estate in the neighbourhood, is implicated in the murder. Several of the parry have been committed for trial.
A correspondent of the Sydney Herald alleges that every day murders are committed by the Blacks, and nothing is done towards bringing
them to justice. •
The person styling himself "Charles, Bart n de Thierry, Sovereign Chief, King of Ilab:theva," acting " in the name and on the behalf' Sovereign the Aborigines of New Zealand, has " given " what lie is pleased to all" a decree," from " Mount Isabel, in the Province of 1 lokianga,
this 7th day of Mareh 1839." King Charles graciously declares, that by his permission, the " Tribes," now living on lands which he may
hereafter purchase, may continue to dwell on them ; that he will ad- vertise for sale, every three months, such lands as he may choose to dispose of by auction ; that the minimum price shall be 5s. an acre ; that 25 per cent. of the receipts from sales of land shall be devoted to local improvements of various sorts' and another 25 per cent. to the im- provement of the Aborigines; that he will not oppose the purchase of lands by companies or individuals, but will not enfbree such contracts, unless his own royal rights are acknowledged. This is the substance of King Charles's very potent " decree." _ The cholera was said to be raging with some violence at Dhoolia and Bangalore. The Bombay Courier of the 2d of July. mentions the
death in that city of a Mr. George Rousseau, of spasmodic cholera, after an illness of only five hours.