8 APRIL 1837, Page 10



The transactions of the week have been on a very unimportant scale, and the business at the Stock Exchange does not afford room for any particular remark. Before the official report of the quarter's revenue was published, some anxiety was manifested as to Its probable amount, which it was reported would exhibit a cousidcrable defalcation ; but it will be seen that the falling off is very trifling ; and the general expression in the City is that of wonder that under the pressure .f the commercial embarrassments which have existed Suring the entire quarter, so good a revenue should have been collected. By the following notice, issued from the National Debt Office, it appears that the amount set apart for the Sinking Fund, during the current quarter, is upwards of 500,0001. o The Lords Commissioners of his Majesty 's Treasury having certified to the Com- missioners for the Reduction of the National Debt. in pursuance of the Act 10th George IV. cap. 27. sec. 1. that the actual surplus revenue of the limited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland beyond the actual expenditure thereof, for the year ended the 5tla Janeary 1837, amounted to the sum of 2.120,0921. Os. 74.—the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt hereby give notice, that the stint of 532,5231. Os. ld. (being oue.lourth part of the said surplus of 2.130,0921. Os. 7d. will be applied, under the provisions of the said act, between the 7th April 1837 and the Silt July 1837, to the RA-

losing purposes; viz. X s. d. To be applied to the purchase of Stock 32,523 0 1 Ditto. purchase of Exchequer Bills 450,000 0 0 Ditto, payment of Slave compensation, pursuant to the provisions orate Act 6th and 7th William 4th, c. 82 50,000 0 0 532523 0 1 Add interest receivable on account of donations and bequests, to

be applied to the purchase of Stuck 314 8 7

4532,837 8 8 National Debt Office, April 3, 1837. S, Human!, CompttolleraGeueral."

Considerable anxiety has been manifest ed by the mercantile bower connected with America, for the arrival of the New York packets, of which four were yesterday due; the long prevalence of easterly winds having delayed their arrival. As these vessels were known to have large remittances on board, the delay of their arrival occasioned great inconvenience to the trade generally. One of them, however, the South America, arrived yesterday, bringing letters and papers to 1st March. The exchange had fallen from 9/, the last quotation, to 86 9, and closed at 84. From the tenor of these advices, we cannot antici- pate the shipment of any bullion to England. The exchanges on France, Holland, and Germany, continue to improve here, and are to-day within a little of the rates at which they were done before the commencement of the recent commercial embarrassment.

In the Foreign Market, the only circumstance worthy of note has been the increased value which has been given to the over due Coupons of the Spanish Loan : these securities, which were at 40 to 42. have since been at 51, but have again fallen back to 45. This rise is to be accounted for only by the prevalence of a belief, that the Treasury' Bonds, for which the November Coupons were exchanged, and the half of which will become due on the 1st of May next, will be paid at maturity. We are not aware that there are any substantial grounds for this belief, and rather imagine that it will turn out to be one of the numerous chilteaux en Espagne with which the holders of Spanish Stock seem fated to be continually deluded. There is not any symptom of improvement in the prices of the Railway Shares; the prevalent disposition among the holders evidently being to sell; and it cannot be expected that any material change for the better can occur, while the commercial affairs of the cotton districts continue depressed, as the greater proportion of all descriptions of Railway Shares are held by the capitalists of Lancashire.

3 per Cent. Consols

901 4

Danish 3 per Cents. 724 34 Ditto for Account

904. 4

Dutch 24 per Cents 524 34

3 per Cent. Reduced

8911 rid. Mexican 6 per Cent 24 New 34 per Cent Anus ex.div 984 * Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 474 8 Bank Stock — Ditto 3 per Cent.

3ei 1

India "tuck -- Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scalp .

504 1

Exchequer Bills 37 39 Prussian (1818) 5 per Ceet .. — Belgian 5 per Cents 1014 2 Russian (1822)5 per Cent... 1074 8

Brazilian 5 per Cents

844 Spanish (1835)5 per Cent... 234


Very little business of any kind has been transacted this morning. Consols for Account are 901 a ; Exchequer Bills 371 89 prem. Spanish Stock opened at 24 #, but the price is now 231; Deferred Stock is 91 to a ; Passive 61 1., The Railroad Shares are nominally at yesterday's prices.


Consols for Account have been 99j 4, but close at 901 4. The business transacted has, however, been quite unimportant. In the Foreign Market, Spanish has also improved, and may be quoted at 231 a. The other Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are at our morning's prices.