8 APRIL 1837, page 19

Under The Title Of The Essays, Literary And Political, Of

TVil- liam E. Charming, Messrs. IlEnnEnwicK and Son of Glasgow have sent forth the lay writings of the redoubled American Doc- tor, containing his Characters of MILTON,......

The Elemeats Rf Tot-.tiny, By Mrs. Perkins, Is Nxpressly De-

d for the use el ladies st udy Mo . the se.ence. The LitillICMI stem is followed, but the objectionable details which have inter- fered with its universal adoption are avoided......

The Appearance Of The Second Part Of The Pictorial History

of England affords us an opportunity of correcting a misstatement that crept into the notices of both it and the Pictorial Bible. We assumed that these works were produced under......

5. Piso And The Prrefect ; Or The Ancients Of

their Stilts. These three %cantles may be intended as an historical romance ; the title would imply a satire ; from what little we have read, it would seem as if' the author......

2. We Dipped Into Evenings With Prince Cambacerh, Second...

by Baron LANGON, with great expectations. We Pro- mised ourselves some rich traits of that modern APICIUS, whom NAPOLEON used to torment by keeping late at Council, and whose......

Fine Arts.

DEATH has thinned the top branches of the Academy lately, and there are many iu the sett: mid yellow leaf that may be expect.d to fall off ere lung, and make room for the......

Birds Of Western Africa, By William Swainson, Esq., Is The

subject of the Seventeenth Volume of that cheap and elegant pub- lication "The Naturalist's Library." The individual birds de- scribed are more various, and we think more......

3. The Sixth Volume Of Mr. Terlett's //t■tewo V Sodium',

comprehends the pc: iod front the assassination of Cardinal Be Aeo N, in 1546, to tho inqwudent marriage of MAur with DARNLLY, ill 1363 : a period, as the author oh. erves, "......

4. Self-fornation Is The History Of An Individual Mind By

a Fellow of a College ; and the work professes to be " intended as a guide for the intellect through difficulties to success." We fear that the Fellow will turn out but a blind......

The Philosophy Of Memory Is The Title Of A Lecture

delivered at the Mechanics' Institute, Leicester, by CYRUS EDMONDS. Its ob- ject is to show that the power of memory is unlimited, and that though it may have been feebly......

We Have Now Come To Reprints ; One Of Which—the

second edition of Spain, by H. D. Imam—is perhaps of more worth than most of the productions before us, for the present interest of the subject, the value of the matter, and the......

Traditions Of Perth, By George Penny, Is A Species Of

local history, literal but not dull. Besides the usual historical subjects, which are treated of in such publications, the present is full of personal anecdotes, comic stories,......

Tire Little Villag,er's Verse-book Is A Second Series Of...

and homely verses on rural subjects, intended to excite the better feelings of rustic children. The name of the Reverend W. L. BOWLES in the titlepage, perhaps led us to expect......