3. The Sixth Volume of Mr. TerLEtt's //t■tewo V Sodium',
comprehends the pc: iod front the assassination of Cardinal Be AeoN, in 1546, to tho inqwudent marriage of MAur with DARNLLY, ill 1363 : a period, as the author oh. erves, " brief in point. td' but prolific ip events, and mo-t momentous in their consequences:" tlanigh it seeins to us loud:y buil:eh:at to occupy a volume of a :emend hi eery.
Into this ue stroll implirc by and by. One inducement of the author to amplify his stildpet, inty have 'wen the new and impor- tant materials to which lie has had access, consisting of original letters of KN'IX. teeth, NIAuv, ELIzeireeti, MURRAY, and many other actors iu those dark and troubled times, in the State Paper Office; transcripts from both Scotch and English unprinted Privy Council books, and other manuscript and unpublished works. With an acute severity, and a pardonable soreness, Mr. TvrLee also exposes that bookmaker VON RA UMER'S Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen (If Scots, and quietly tripes those " periodical critics who hailed the' new lights proceeding from Prussia."