BEHNIS has just completed a colossal statue of Dr. BABINGTON,
in marble, for St. Paul's. It represents him in his ordinary costume, over which is thrown a Professor's gown. The look and attitude are characteristic of the man, and the whole has an air of dignified simpli- city : it is a noble work of art. A bas.relief for a monument to Dr. BELL, representing him in the character of a schoolmaster teaching a class of children, struck us by the appropriateness of the design and the union of simple truth with classic elegance in the composition. Among the busts, was one, not quite finished, of the venerable Bishop of Noftwicn, just deceased, and another of Lord BROUGHAM, which is unquestionably the finest bust that has been modelled of him: in- deed, it is the only one that expresses the intellectual character of his bead, and conveys a true likeness without exaggerating his physiogno- mical peculiarities.