H B's last batch of Political Caricatures are more fancifully
humorous than usual. Lord PALMERSTON as St. Sebastian, bound by the Qua- druple Treaty, and pierced by the arrows of his assailants, is a capital bit. Lord JOHN RUSSELL, as a vaulter at a fair, jumping about on the Ministerial prop, (the majority on the Irish Corporation Bill,) Mr. SPRING Rica balancing the Church, and O'CONNELL as a juggler swal- lowing the sword of Repeal—the crowd being composed of the party leaders, who are commenting on the exhibition—is a happy idea. The new patent Safety Cab, with Lord John RUSSELL driven by O'Coa. NELL, is not so pointed, though it is cleverly done. Poor Mr. Rice as Munchausen, with his Canada Resolutions for his carbine that won't go off, flying from the furious attack of the lion STANLEY, and terror. stricken at seeing the open jaws of the Canadian crocodile ready is devour him, is a ludicrously forcible exemplification of the Ministerial dilemma. Mr. ROEBUCK as a Reform Master of the Ceremonies, is a fair allusion that the Member for Bath will smile at. Mr. O'CoN. NELL on horseback, with the patriotic Mrs. Runty behind him, who told her husband to "remember his soul and liberty," has genuine Irish character. The parody of HOGARTII'S well• known print of the Cock. pit is admirable.