Cbr Court.
THE King went to Kew Palace on Monday, accompanied by Colonel Seymour and Sir Jeffrey Wyatville. On Wednesday, his Majesty Caine to town, and held his Levee at St. James's Palace. Among the company, were the Dukes of Somerset and Wellington, the Earls of Tutikerville, Rosslyn, Jersey, and Aberdeen, Mr. Hurries, and Sir Frederick Trench. Among the presentations, were Sir Astley Cooper and Dr. James Burnes, who both received the decoration of Knights of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order. The King re- turned to Windsor in the evening.
It is the intention of their Majesties to honour with their presence a ball which is to be given for the benefit of the distressed weavers in Spitulfields, about the 1st of June.