Allusions have been made for some days past to the
difficulties of an American house in the City, arising from the non-arrival of ex- pected remittances from New York. The Chronicle this morning announces in plain terms, that the house in question is that of GEORGE WILDE and Co. ; and that the Bank has lent them a sum of money equal to meet their pressing demands, without any security or guarantee, except the power of winding.up the concerns of the firm. It is also said that the Batik Directors consulted Mr. SPRING RICE on the sub- ject; and that Mr. RICE simply said that be supposed " they knew best what to do."
It is perhaps scarcely worth while to notice a typographical error in last week's paragraph announcing the failure of the bullion-brokers Messrs. Tim and Lioterroo.r. The name of Mr. Trye was erroneously printed " Frye."