The Duke of Somerset is to have the Garter worn by the late Marquis of Bath.
Old Bishop Bathurst actually died at last, on Wednesday night. For many years he was the only Liberal Bishop on the bench ; and though u person of very moderate abilities, was universally esteemed for his kind disposition. He bad been Bishop of Norwich since 1805. It is said that Dr. Murray, Bishop of Rochester, who has performed the duties of the diocese of Norwich for the last two years, will succeed Dr. Bathurst.
At the Chelmsford Pro- Church. rate meeting, Colonel Conyers said, be had asked two near relations of his, the Members for Staffordshire and fur Wells, tiVO great supporters of bis Majesty's Ministers, bow they could vote against their friends the Government ?—" Oh," said they, "why the Ministers do not want the measure to pass." The Honourable Members referred to are, we piesume, Sir John 1Vrottes- y and Mr. Colborne, two Whigs, "and something less." We trust that they will be called upon for an explanation of both their words and their votes on this oecusion.— Patriot. [Mr. Colborne, and Sir John Wrottesley, in letters to the Chronicle, deny the truth of this story.)
One of the French Carlist organs notices with a malicious sneer, the departure of the Russian and Austrian Ambassadors from Paris, on temporary leave of absence, at the very moment that the marriage festivities of the Duke of Orleans will call fur the cuogratulations and presence of the envoys of foreign powers.