8 APRIL 1871, Page 2

Mr. Goschen, who has laid on the table a most

exhaustive re- port on local taxation, on Monday produced his measures for its reform. They cover an enormous mass of details ; but their first principles are, that each parish elect a Chairman, who, aided, but not controlled, by a small Council, shall represent it, and shall be the only authority within it 'competent to make a rate. That every existing Board living on rates shall make an indent on him for the amount due by the parish. That the Chairman shall levy all rates through a single " demand-nate," having the items of the account printed on it. That county rates shall be settled and spent—not levied—by a Finsocial. Beard, which shall be elected half by the Justices and half byths Parish Chairmen. That a new Ministry shall be created to attend to lewd taxation as the Treasury attends to Imperial, and that such Minister shall also be President of the Poor Law Board. The scheme, therefore, creates a complete working hierarchy from each country pariah up to Gwydyr House.